These virtual live lectures introduce participants to essential entrepreneurship concepts and topics. Experiential activities are embedding into each lesson so participants are applying these concepts in real time.
Working in a Startup Team
Working in a startup team can be challenging; it requires wearing many hats, optimum communication, and balancing competitive opinions about the direction your business needs to go in. We discuss best practices for launching a startup with your cofounders.
Brainstorming & Ideation
Businesses solve problems. And in this exercise, we cover different design thinking strategies to identify problems, solutions for those problems, and current alternatives so you can ideate a viable business idea.
Elevator Pitching
As an entrepreneur, you will have to explain your business thousands of times for many different people. We discuss the best practices for creating a succinct and compelling elevator pitch.
Finding Your Target Market through Customer Discovery
You can't sell to everyone. We discuss how to narrow down your target customer demographic by asking customers open-ended questions, helping you uncover the pains and problems they experience.
Rapid Prototyping
You need to create a somewhat-working representation of what your product or service looks like. We discuss the "Minimum Viable Product" and the different ways you can design one.
Everyone seems to think that the only way to start a business is by raising funds from investors. Nope! Many entrepreneurs "bootstrap", which means to fund their business using revenue and personal funds.
Social Good
It's so important to critically think about how your business impacts your community, the environment, and other stakeholders. This lesson talks about how to keep social good at the core of what you do.
Every entrepreneur needs a mentor. Mentors bring experiences, relationships, and wisdom that enables entrepreneurs to stay accountable, avoid risk, and make the right decisions. This session talks about how to manage these mentor relationships.
Raising Investor Capital
Okay, you did it.. You've validated an awesome idea and are ready to raise money from investors. So how do you do it? In this discussion, we explore what raising money means for your business and how to go about doing it.